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Welcome to

New Beginnings

Praise & Worship Center

Serve. Encourage. Equip.

Thank You for visiting our site.  We invite you to see what New Beginnings Praise & Worship Center’s church family is doing. 


NBPWC provides an inviting atmosphere to worship and learn about God.  Our focus is to being a help and support to families as well as individual lives from infant to adulthood. We provide tools essential for learning and growing naturally as well and spiritually,


Please feel welcome to look at the ministries that are offered as well as our event calendar


We welcome you not only to visit this site but please feel free to visit our location. We look forward to meeting you in the near future.

In Christ, Pastors Barry & Regenia Knight

Get Connected

Adult Ministries

Children's Ministry

Outreach Ministry




Sunday Service

10:00 A.M.

Wednesday Bible Classes

7:00 P.M.

Ways to Give

  1. TEXT to GIVE:

    Please text amount to 770-285-1121.  Please also specify the department and or cause for your giving in the format of amount-space-reason

    example: ($400 Tithe)    or    ($400 Offering)

  2. Via Online

  3. Via Mail

  4. Via Person

770-460-1346  770-461-4612

1091 S Jeff Davis Dr., Fayetteville, GA 30215

©2017 by New Beginnings Praise & Worship Center.  Proudly created by


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